Defending Freedom at Any Cost: A Look at History's Most Expensive Military Vehicle Projects

1. Block III Virginia-class submarine USS Missouri (SSN-780)

THAAD System: Advanced Missile Defense Joined the Service: 2010

Production Company: General Dynamics Electric Boat

Price: $2.688 billion

The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system is a premier defense solution against short, medium, and intermediate-range ballistic missiles. Developed by Lockheed Martin, THAAD is designed to intercept missiles during the terminal phase of their flight. Introduced in 2008, it provides a broader protection umbrella compared to existing missile defense systems, thanks to its high-altitude interception capabilities.


Virginia-class Submarine Block III: USS Missouri (SSN-780) Source: ©U.S. Navy/Wikimedia Commons

The Virginia-class submarine, specifically the USS Missouri (SSN-780), represents a significant advancement in naval warfare technology. This submarine utilizes a specialized "hit-to-kill" strategy, which focuses on neutralizing threats through kinetic energy rather than relying on traditional explosives. This innovative method enhances the effectiveness of the submarine in combat scenarios, allowing it to engage and destroy incoming threats with precision.

Equipped with sophisticated radar systems and advanced fire control capabilities, the USS Missouri plays a crucial role in contemporary missile defense strategies. These technologies enable the submarine to detect, track, and confront multiple threats simultaneously, providing a robust defense mechanism against various types of aerial assaults. The ability to operate stealthily while maintaining superior situational awareness makes the Virginia-class submarines a formidable component of the U.S. Navy's fleet.


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