Dive into Fortune: 11 Unbelievable (& Profitable) Underwater Discoveries That'll Leave You in Awe.

2. The Shipwreck at Salcombe

The Salcombe Shipwreck: A Treasure from the Depths Current Estimated Value: $800 million*

Years Gone: The Middle to Late 1600s

Discovered: 1994

The Salcombe shipwreck represents the largest discovery of Moroccan gold ever found, emerging from a site that was nearly forgotten. In 1992, the South West Maritime Archaeological Group (SWMAG) was tasked with investigating the area. At that time, they reported that Salcombe was merely a "cannon site" and noted that "nothing else" was present.

However, two years later, significant changes in the seabed revealed an astonishing trove of wealth hidden beneath the waves. This unexpected discovery has not only shed light on the shipwreck's historical significance but has also ignited interest in maritime archaeology and the treasures that lie beneath the ocean.


The Salcombe Shipwreck: A Treasure Trove of History Image Credit: Pinterest/TThe Salcombe Shipwreck @therichest

The discovery of the Salcombe shipwreck has unveiled an astonishing array of artifacts, including hundreds of jewelry pieces dating from 1510 to 1636. In addition to the exquisite jewelry, explorers have unearthed axes, swords, tools, decorations, and various relics from the Bronze Age. This remarkable find has transformed the Salcombe site into a treasure valued at an estimated $800 million.

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