Stunning Aerial Photography Made Possible by Affordable Drones

1. Tree

A Unique Perspective on Nature Possible Drone to Be Used: MiniDrone with HydroFoil Parrot

How to Purchase: Amazon

Price: $88*

One standout entry in the 2020 Siena Drone Photo Awards was "Tree," submitted by Manuel Enrique Gonzalez Carmona. This remarkable photograph received a "Commended" award in the "Nature Category," showcasing an extraordinary interpretation of what a tree can be. Instead of the typical foliage we associate with trees, Carmona's image reveals a stunning pattern formed by the concentration of water and minerals, creating a tree-like appearance.

This innovative perspective highlights how drone photography can unveil the hidden beauty of nature. By capturing images from above, Carmona was able to present a unique view that challenges our traditional understanding of natural forms. The intricate patterns and textures displayed in the photograph serve as a reminder of the complexity and artistry found in the natural world.


Nature's Ephemeral Artistry Source: ©MANUEL ENRIQUE GONZÁLEZ CARMONA

Manuel Enrique González Carmona's captivating photograph, titled "Tree," beautifully illustrates the transient nature of art created by the environment. Described by Carmona as "ephemeral," this remarkable formation is a product of natural elements, shaped by the concentration of water and minerals. However, the delicate structure is vulnerable; strong rains could easily wash it away, highlighting the fleeting beauty of such natural phenomena.

This stunning image may have been captured using a waterproof Parrot HydroFoil Mini Drone, which allows photographers to navigate wet environments without risking damage to their equipment. This capability enables the exploration of unique landscapes that would otherwise be inaccessible, opening up new possibilities for capturing nature's artistry from above.

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