Stunning Aerial Photography Made Possible by Affordable Drones

14. Tails Up

Captured Landscape Potential Drone: DJI Mavic Pro

Where to Purchase: eBay

Price: $989*

This stunning image was captured by Sandrine Aubeza (@sandrinehecq) using a DJI Mavic Pro drone paired with @sandmarc filters. The DJI Mavic Pro, available for $1,449 on the DJI website, is a powerful drone equipped with a 4K camera and a triple-axis gimbal, ensuring smooth and high-quality aerial photography.


Whale Watching in Australia Photographer: Sandrine Aubeza (@sandrinehecq)

Source: Up

This captivating image of a partially submerged whale was captured by Sandrine Aubeza in Australia, showcasing her skill in getting remarkably close to the subject, well within the maximum transmission range of 4.1 miles of her drone.

Australia is renowned for its diverse marine life, hosting over 45 different species of whales, porpoises, and dolphins, making it one of the best continents for whale watching.

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