Stunning Aerial Photography Made Possible by Affordable Drones

8. Moreton Island Wrecks

Tangalooma Shipwrecks Potential Drone: Ryze Tello

How to Purchase: Amazon

Price: $89*

The striking image of the shipwrecks off the shore of Moreton Island, Australia, was captured by photographer Daniel Bouquets. While the specific drone he used is not disclosed, the Ryze Tello, available for $89 on Amazon, is a high-quality and budget-friendly option for aerial photography.

The Tangalooma Shipwrecks are a popular attraction, and unless you're keen on snorkeling near sharks, using a drone like the Ryze Tello is one of the best ways to appreciate their beauty from above. This drone provides an accessible means to explore and document such unique sites.


Wreck on Moreton Island Source: Wreck on Moreton Island ©Shutterstock/Daniel Bouquets

The Tangalooma Wrecks are one of the main tourist attractions on Moreton Island, Australia. These shipwrecks were intentionally scuttled by the Queensland government during the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, creating an artificial reef that has since become a vibrant ecosystem.

Today, the wrecks are home to over 100 different fish species, including dolphins, dugongs, sharks, and wobbegongs. This diverse marine life has made the wrecks a popular destination for snorkelers and divers, as well as those looking to capture stunning aerial views with drones.

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