Top 11 Tales of Surprising Discoveries That'll Amaze You!

1. Locomotives Dating Back to the 1850s Found at the Bottom of the Sea

Discovery of a Train Graveyard Off the New Jersey Coast Location: Off the New Jersey Coast

Year Found: 2013

Estimated Value: Not Known

In 2013, archaeologists made a remarkable discovery beneath ninety feet of seawater off the New Jersey coast: two buried trains. This unusual "train graveyard" revealed steam engines that had been remarkably preserved by the saltwater, allowing them to remain in good working order for nearly 200 years.


Locomotives From the 1850s Discovered Under the Sea Source: @KareAnnArt/Pinterest

The discovery of the two locomotives, dating back to the 1850s, has sparked speculation about their origins. Some believe that these engines were being transported on a ship that sank during a storm. To prevent the vessel from sinking in the turbulent waters, the crew may have jettisoned the locomotives overboard, or they could have accidentally fallen from a barge.

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