Top 11 Tales of Surprising Discoveries That'll Amaze You!

5. Gardener Found 2,000-Year-Old 22-lb Lump of Butter

Discovery of a 22-Pound Slab of Butter in Cavan County, Ireland Location: Cavan County, Ireland

Year Found: 2016

Estimated Value: $59*

In 2016, while exploring the bogs of his farm in Cavan County, a man made an astonishing discovery: a twenty-two-pound slab of butter. While many might expect to encounter mythical creatures like fairies in the Irish bogs, this find was a delightful surprise that showcased the unique treasures hidden within the landscape.


Discovery of 2,000-Year-Old Bog Butter in Cavan County, Ireland Source:

In 2016, a gardener in Cavan County stumbled upon a remarkable find: a 22-pound lump of butter buried over ten feet deep in a bog. Experts have confirmed that this bog butter is approximately 2,000 years old. Archaeologists suggest that, if one were brave enough, they could taste the butter, as it has likely retained its flavor and integrity over the centuries. Fortunately, no one has yet requested to spread this ancient delicacy on their toast. This unusual discovery is now housed in the National Museum of Ireland.

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