Uncovering the World's Most Valuable Underwater Treasures

15. Bom Jesus

The Bom Jesus Shipwreck: A Luxury Maritime Relic Estimated Current Value: $9 million*

Year of Disappearance: 1533

Year of Discovery: 2008

The Bom Jesus is a notable example of the luxury goods that were transported on ships during earlier centuries. After setting sail on March 7, 1533, the ship mysteriously vanished and was not seen again for nearly 475 years.

Discovery It wasn't until 2008, during a diamond mining operation, that the remnants of the Bom Jesus were discovered, albeit unintentionally. This find has provided significant insights into the maritime trade of the time.

Historical Significance The artifacts recovered from the wreck offer a glimpse into:

The types of luxury goods traded during the early 16th century The maritime routes used by ships of that era The economic and cultural exchanges between regions


The Jesus Namor Shipwreck: A Maritime Treasure Source: Mining.com

Archaeologists believe that the Jesus Namor sank after striking a rock while approaching the coast of Namibia too closely during its voyage to Western India. The wreck was officially discovered by Kaapamda Shadika, who was mining the area for diamonds when he stumbled upon remarkable artifacts, including elephant ivory and copper ingots.

Valuable Cargo The wreckage of the Jesus Namor contained numerous priceless items, such as:

Copper ingots Elephant tusks Gold and silver coins Historical Significance The discovery of this shipwreck provides valuable insights into:

The maritime trade routes of the 16th century The types of goods that were highly valued during that era The interactions between different cultures through trade

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