Uncovering the World's Most Valuable Underwater Treasures

8. Empress of Ireland

The Empress of Ireland: A Maritime Tragedy Current Estimated Value: Over $1 million*

Year Lost: 1914

Discovered: 1914

The collision between the Norwegian ship Storstad and the Canadian vessel Empress of Ireland is one of the deadliest maritime disasters in Canadian history, resulting in nearly a thousand lives lost. The incident occurred in thick fog, which is widely believed to have contributed to the tragic collision, although the exact causes remain somewhat mysterious.

The Empress of Ireland was a prominent liner, and its sinking serves as a somber reminder of the perils of sea travel, particularly in adverse weather conditions. The wreck was discovered shortly after the disaster, and it has since become an important site for research and exploration.


The Empress of Ireland: From Tragedy to Historical Significance Source: Ireland's Empress ©Jim Gibson/Alamy

After the Empress of Ireland sank, rescue operations commenced swiftly, as the wreckage remained visible from the surface and had not submerged more than 130 feet. During the initial recovery efforts, a rescue team discovered 25 silver bars, which are now valued at well over $1 million.

In the years following the disaster, multiple rescue teams were dispatched to the site, further exploring the wreck and its surroundings. In 1999, the Empress of Ireland was formally designated as a site of archaeological and historical significance for Canada, recognizing its importance in maritime history.

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